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Sunday, 8 May 2011

Baby extends legs or pulls them up to the abdomen


In an otherwise healthy infant three months or younger:

Signs and Symptoms
In an otherwise healthy infant three months or younger:
1. crying that goes on for three hours or more at a time despite efforts to comfort the baby. Crying is often worse in the evening and continues into the night.
2. When gas pain is the cause.
3. Baby extends legs or pulls them up to the abdomen.
4. Baby passes gas.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Feeling of sadness or pessimism that doesn’t get away


Signs and Symptoms
1. Feeling of sadness or pessimism that doesn’t get away.
2. Feeling of worthlessness, hopelessness, guilt or despair.
3. Loss of interest and pleasure in work, relations, food, sex, or other aspects of life.
4. Fatigue and lack of energy.
5. Sleep problems such as insomnia, oversleeping, or repeatedly waking before dawn.
6. Difficulty remembering, concentrating, making decisions, and completing simple tasks; a feeling of moving in slow motion.
7. Frequently occurring thoughts of suicide or death.
8. Distressing physical ailments-such as headaches or stomach pain that don’t get better with treatment.
9. Unusual weight gain or loss.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Temporary blackouts or memory loss after heavy drinking.Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

                             Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

                                 Temporary blackouts or memory loss after heavy drinking

Signs and Symptoms
Alcohol abuses:
1. Temporary blackouts or memory loss after heavy drinking.
2. Unusually irritable and aggressive behavior (sometimes).
3. Use of increasing amounts of alcohol to relax, sleep, cheer up , deal with problems, or feel “normal.”